Women in the Workplace Grant

We got a grant!
A grant is money given by the Government to help an organisation for a specific job.
A grant is money given by the Government to help an organisation for a specific job.

The grant was from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Office for Women.

We are 1 of 60 Australian organisations to receive a grant from the Women’s Leadership and Development Program!

This grant will allow Me Plus More to develop a new online course. This will be called Women in the Workplace. We will also develop an online Face Book group for members only.

We are excited!!!
We always wanted Me Plus More’s membership to be accessible to people all over Australia.
Now it can be!
We always wanted Me Plus More’s membership to be accessible to people all over Australia.
Now it can be!

The new Women in the Workplace course by Me Plus More, will help women with intellectual disability to apply for work and to grow their careers.

Why are we so excited?
Because receiving a grant for a project for women with intellectual disability tells us the Government considers them a priority.
Because receiving a grant for a project for women with intellectual disability tells us the Government considers them a priority.

The Government is helping us prepare all women with an intellectual disability for the working world. It is a great way to give them more opportunities.

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