Tips to Stay Safe Online
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  3. Tips to Stay Safe Online


Tara, the founder of Me Plus More, mum of 3 young boys and 2 fish. Plus, I have enough plants to fill a small forest! I also have a bachelor’s degree in applied science and a master’s degree in international public health.
Published: Oct 16, 2021

Tips to Stay Safe Online

The internet is great, for so many different reasons:

  • It helps us with work
  • It provides us with lots of information
  • It helps us to keep connected with friends and family

It also helps our members to log onto the Me Plus More platform.

Just like we do in our day-to-day lives, we must think about our safety online.

This is just as important as being safe when crossing the road.

Being safe online is called cyber safety.

To keep cyber safe, you should keep your private information private.

 This includes your:

  • Home address
  • Telephone number
  • Tax file number
  • Bank account details
  • Date of birth

You should not share these unless you know it is safe to do so.

Using social media

 It is important to think about the information you post on your social media pages. 

 Remember, if you post something, you cannot take it back. Posts still live on the internet, even when they are deleted.

You should have control over who can see your posts, as this will keep you safe.

 Check that your social media accounts are set to private. This means your page will only be seen by people you choose like your family and friends.

Meeting new people online

 It is great that the internet and social media allows us to connect with people online. 

However, the people you meet online may not be who they say they are. 

 There are a few things you should do to stay safe from people you meet online, do not:

  • Give out any private information
  • Tell that person where you are or where you will be going

If you do decide that you would really like to meet someone in real life, be sure to:

  • Talk to a close friend,
  • A family member, or
  • Your support person about it

Before making any decisions.

 Being aware of this will help you to stay safe.

Cybercrime and Cyberbullying

Some people use the internet to bully others, and this is not OK! Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

Cybercrime is when someone uses a computer to commit a crime. It could be someone:

  • Hacking your computer.  This is when someone breaks into your computer via the internet
  • Sending out harmful viruses to your computer

Cyberbullying is when someone uses a computer to bully others.

They could send mean or upsetting:

  • Messages
  • Comments
  • Videos
  • Photos

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