How to find a job when you have an Intellectual Disability

Finding a job can seem scary

But there are lots of good reasons to get a job.
And lots of places looking to hire people like you.
And lots of places looking to hire people like you.
Also read “4 reasons to get a job if you’re living with an intellectual disability blog“

The hardest part might be starting to look. So, we are here to help with 3 job-finding tips.

Tip #1: Know what you want

You should consider
- Your strengths (what you’re good at)
- Your skills (what you know how to do do)
- Your interests (what you like doing)
- Your challenges (what you find hard)
- The environment you’d like to work in (indoors, outdoors, quiet, noisy..?)

Once you have a better idea of what you want, you can find a job that suits you.

Tip # 2: Know where to look for jobs

There are lots of support options to help you find a job.

You can check with:
- The Internet – look online for jobs or business that hire people with a disability
- Friends and Family
- Your employment team

Tip #3: Prepare, prepare, prepare

Once you have applied for a job, you may be asked to do an interview.

An interview is just a chance for someone to meet you.
They want to see if you are right for the job and whether you will be happy there.
They want to see if you are right for the job and whether you will be happy there.

It is also a chance for you to ask questions and decide if you want to work there.

Before your interview, find someone you trust and spend some time:
- Thinking about what you will say
- Practicing being in a job interview (the other person can pretend to be the interviewer)
- Learning about the company
- Thinking of any questions you need to ask.

There is a job out there for you!

If you want extra help to find a job, talk to us at Me Plus More
Also for more helpful information about jobs, sign up below to our newsletter.
Also for more helpful information about jobs, sign up below to our newsletter.