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3 things to remember when catching public transport
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  3. 3 things to remember when catching public transport


Tara, the founder of Me Plus More, mum of 3 young boys and 2 fish. Plus, I have enough plants to fill a small forest! I also have a bachelor’s degree in applied science and a master’s degree in international public health.
Published: Nov 17, 2022

3 things to remember when catching public transport

Public transport is great because it gets you to places without the need to drive!

It can be cheap to use depending on what method of transport you choose.

There are many reasons why you might choose to use public transport.

Maybe you are trying to:
  • Get to work
  • Get to a doctors appointment
  • Meeting up with friends
  • Visiting family

Whatever your reason, here are 3 things you need to think about when using public transport.

  1. The timetable
  • Think about what time you need to be at the destination.
  • Be sure to choose the correct time so you are not late.

2. Do you have enough money?

Public transportation is not free. You will need to make sure you are able to pay the fare.  

3. What stop you need to get off at?

You do not want to end up in the wrong place, listen for announcemnets or ask for help if you need.

Using public transportation can be tricky with or without an intellectual disability.

If you are using public transport for the first time we recommend asking for help.

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