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5 reasons to hire someone with an Intellectual Disability
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  3. 5 reasons to hire someone with an Intellectual Disability


Tara, the founder of Me Plus More, mum of 3 young boys and 2 fish. Plus, I have enough plants to fill a small forest! I also have a bachelor’s degree in applied science and a master’s degree in international public health.
Published: Sep 28, 2022

5 reasons to hire someone with an Intellectual Disability

There are many myths when it comes to people with an intellectual disability.

Probably the most common misconception is that those with an intellectual disability cannot work.

This is simply not true!
We are going to give you 5 great reasons to hire someone with an intellectual disability.

1. People with intellectual disabilities have skills and abilities that can be useful to your business.

Some abilities include being loyal and hardworking employees dedicated to their job.

2. People with intellectual disability will often go the extra mile.

3. People with intellectual disabilities want to work, and they take pride in their accomplishments.

Working gives people a sense of purpose and achievement.
This is no different for people with intellectual disabilities.

Having a diverse team means innovative ideas!

4. People with intellectual disabilities often think outside the box and are good at problem solving.

5. Hiring people with an intellectual disability is good for the community.

It shows people that those with intellectual disabilities can have meaningful jobs and be successful.
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